
A great resource updated: The Coasties’ Guide to the Merchant Mariner Credentialing Process 2018

“In order to better assist members with navigating the process to apply for a merchant mariner credential, the Office of Cutter Forces (COMDT CG-751) partnered with National Mariner Center (NMC) to update The Coasties’ Guide to the Merchant Mariner Credentialing Process that was initially promulgated by the Cutterman’s Association in 2013. The fleet has expressed great interest in pursuing merchant mariner credentials, and the updated Guide is intended to reduce confusion that is often associated with Coast Guard sea service and qualifications and how they translate to the requirements for merchant mariner licensing. This guide is applicable to all members with creditable sea service, which is 90 days of sea service in the previous seven years for military applicants.”

See original post: Coast Guard All Hands Blog Post